Research staff of SPBFRI has many years of experience in providing consulting services in the field of forest relations for organizations of various levels. Expert activities include assessment and analysis of the current state of forestry, the economic situation, advising forest industry enterprises, etc.
- Assessment of the state and identification of problematic issues in the organization and conduct of forestry and forestry activities.
- Development of options for solving problems and economic justification of options.
- Scientifically and economically sound choice of the preferred business development option.
- Harvesting and processing of wood.
- Extraction and processing of mushrooms, berries, nuts and other gifts of the forest.
- Health resort and tourist and recreational business, including hunting and fishing, and other forms.
- Identification of problems, risks and threats, advantages, opportunities and prospects that hinder the intensification of this process, including due to the imperfection of the current legislative and regulatory framework.
- Organization and conduct of sociological research on the territory of the subject and assessment of the quality of the system of state forest management, protection, protection and reproduction of forests.
- Entering new sales and investment markets.
- Development of infrastructure and related markets.
- Introduction of new technologies and management methods.
- Expanding the range and improving the quality of goods and services.
- Assessment of prospects and preparation of proposals for the integration of the forestry sector of the economy into the global supply chains of goods and services, its entry into international financial markets.
- legal framework and law enforcement practice;
- the structure of authorized state authorities, their functions, powers and resources, as well as the procedures and parameters of their interaction;
- cadastre, classification, certification and evaluation;
- monitoring and protection;
- Unified State Automated Information System for accounting for wood and transactions with it;
- tariff and budget policy;
- preparation of proposals for their improvement, addition and change.
- Assessment of the impact of specifics (economic, demographic, climatic and other conditions), federal and regional development programs on the state of the human resources potential of the forest industry.
- Development of proposals and measures aimed at training and advanced training of forest industry specialists, as well as at solving socio-economic problems related to the stabilization of labor collectives and reducing the outflow of qualified forest industry personnel.
- Expert assessment of the main problems in the implementation of the proposed measures.
- Preparation of proposals for the renewal, expansion, modernization and reconstruction of the material and technical base.
- Estimation of the volume of financial resources required for renewal, expansion, modernization and reconstruction of the material and technical base of the forestry industry and sources of their coverage.
- Identification of the main factors influencing the timely implementation of measures to save energy and achieve energy efficiency, determine the enlarged potential for energy saving in the structure of the forestry complex, establish the existing possibilities for managing energy saving and organizing priority energy service contracts.
- Development of proposals for energy saving and achieving energy efficiency in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Law of November 23, 2009, No. 261-FZ “On energy saving and on improving energy efficiency and on amending certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation” in the structure of the forestry complex.
- Forecasting changes in tariffs and volumes of consumption of fuel and energy resources for industrial enterprises, taking into account the characteristics of the implementation of production plans for modernization, energy saving and energy efficiency.
- Identification of opportunities for obtaining tax benefits, investment tax credits.
- Involvement of the mechanism of state guarantees in order to provide project financing, consideration and identification of scenario opportunities for public-private partnerships in the process of implementing projects in the field of energy conservation and energy efficiency.
- Development of economic models of the pricing system for forest resources.
- Expert assessment of the impact of these models on the volume of payments for the use of forests in the context of forest business enterprises.
- Determination of the basic conditions and technologies for performing work on the protection, protection and reproduction of forests.
- Development of draft standards of the organization for the performance of work on the protection, protection and reproduction of forests, performed by tenants of forest plots and regional state budgetary and (or) autonomous institutions.
- Development of cost standards for the implementation of state work on the protection, protection and reproduction of forests.
- Development of criteria for regulating the cost standards for the implementation of state work on the protection, protection and reproduction of forests, depending on changes in the basic conditions for their implementation, as well as natural, climatic and other conditions.
- Development of production standards and time standards for the performance of work on protection, protection, reforestation and afforestation.
- Creation of models and development of normative indicators for optimizing the number of employees in the forestry system of Russia, necessary for the calculation and distribution of subventions in the context of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.
- Calculation of the norms for the number of regional executive authorities exercising delegated powers in forest relations, and state forestry institutions subordinate to them.
- Installation, configuration and launch of the software product.
- Training of all involved specialists how to work with the software product.
- Transfer of data (directories, balances of mutual settlements) from existing accounting systems.
- Comprehensive consulting and methodological support for users, training of new users involved in the automation process.
- Development and modification of the software product in parallel with the change in the regulatory framework in the field of forestry.
Bechina, I. V. Delimitation of powers between state authorities of the Russian Federation and subjects of the Russian Federation in the field of forest relations / I. V. Bechina // National Association of Scientists. - 2021. - No. 74. - P. 48–51. (DOI: 10.31618/nas.2413-5291.2021.5.74.549 ISSN:2413-5291)
Petrunin, N. A. Indicative assessment of the human resources potential of the Russian forest complex / N. A. Petrunin // Training of personnel in the context of the transition to an innovative path of forestry development: Scientific and practical conference, Voronezh, October 21–22, 2021. – Voronezh: Voronezh State Forest Engineering University named after V.I. G. F. Morozova, 2021. – P. 56–61.
Petrunin, N. A. State statistical and departmental sectoral reporting in forestry: problems and ways of its optimization / N. A. Petrunin // Proceedings of the St. Petersburg Forestry Research Institute. - 2021. - No. 2. - P. 64–84. (DOI: 10.21178/2079-6080.2021.2.64. ISSN: 2079-6080)
Petrunin, N. A. Problems of strategic planning in the field of forest relations at the regional level / N. A. Petrunin // Proceedings of the St. Petersburg Forestry Research Institute. - 2021. - No. 1. - P. 4–31. (DOI: 10.21178/2079-6080.2021.1.4. ISSN: 2079-6080)
Bechina, I. V. Administrative and legal status of executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation authorized in the field of forest relations / I. V. Bechina // Proceedings of the St. Petersburg Forestry Research Institute. - 2020. - No. 4. - P. 65–79. (DOI: 10.21178/2079–6080.2020.4.65 ISSN: 2079-6080)
Petrunin, N. A Development of lease relations in the forestry sector of the economy of the Russian Federation and their impact on the profitability of the forest industry / N. A. Petrunin // Proceedings of the St. Petersburg Forestry Research Institute. - 2019. - No. 1. - P. 68–80. (DOI: 10.21178/2079-6080.2019.1.68 ISSN 2079-6080)
On December 8-9, 2021, the XXVI International Forestry Forum "Russian Forest" was held in Vologda. Analyst I.V. Bechin with the report "Organization of the system of state forest management in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation" and deputy director N.A. Petrunin with the report "Change in forest legislation and its impact on improving the system of state forest management".
Analyst V.V. Kushnir with the report “Wooden housing construction as a vector of socio-economic development of territories and solving personnel problems in the forestry sector of the Russian economy”, leading analyst N.A. Mosolova with the report “Improving the profitability of the forest complex is a priority task for the development of the country's economy”, the head of a separate division in Moscow A.V. Serezhkin with a report "On the role of business in the implementation of the federal project “Preservation of Forests” and deputy director N.A. Petrunin with the report "The role of the Russian forestry sector in the country's economy".
On October 21, 2021, a scientific and practical conference “Training of Personnel in the Conditions of Transition to an Innovative Way of Forestry Development” was held in Voronezh, where Deputy director N.A. Petrunin made a presentation "Investment attractiveness of the forestry complex: development pathways".
On June 17, 2021, the All-Russian scientific and practical conference "Modern machines, equipment and IT solutions of the timber industry complex: theory and practice" was held in Voronezh, at which Deputy director N.A. Petrunin made a presentation "Investment attractiveness of the forestry complex: development pathways".
On March 16–17, 2021, a scientific and practical conference “Improving the financial foundations of state forest management” was held in St. Petersburg, which was attended by Deputy director N.A. Petrunin with reports “On the key tasks of labor rationing in the forestry system of Russia and optimizing the number of executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation exercising delegated powers in the field of forest relations, and state forestry institutions” and “On improving the algorithms for distributing subvention funds provided from of the federal budget to the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for the implementation of delegated powers in the field of forest relations”, analyst I.V. Bechin with the report “Risks of financing the powers of the Russian Federation in the field of forest relations transferred to state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation”.
On September 29, 2020, in Yoshkar-Ola, a scientific debate "Personnel and scientific support of the forestry of Russia" was held, where the deputy director N.A. Petrunin made a presentation “The state of the human resources potential of the forestry sector of the Russian economy in the light of changes in the socio-economic conditions of the industry”.
On June 24, 2020, a scientific-practical conference “State and prospects for improving the system of state forest management” was held in Yekaterinburg, which was attended by analyst I.V. Bechin with the report “Optimization of the delineation of jurisdiction and powers in the field of forest relations between the state authorities of the Russian Federation and the constituent entities of the Russian Federation”.
On June 18, 2020, a scientific and practical conference “Investment opportunities of the forest complex of the Republic of Mari El. Interaction between business, government and financial institutions”, where Deputy director N.A. Petrunin made a report "On measures to develop small and medium-sized businesses for the purpose of harvesting, processing wood and performing work on the protection, protection, reforestation and afforestation in the Republic of Mari El."
On June 16, 2020, the V scientific and technical conference-webinar "Forests of Russia: politics, industry, science, education" was held in St. Petersburg, where analyst I.V. Bechin with the report "Analysis and evaluation of the state forest management system in the Russian Federation".
On March 2, 2020, a scientific-practical conference “The state and prospects for improving the system of state forest management” was held, in which analyst I.V. Bechin with the report “On normative indicators used in determining the standard staffing of civil servants and persons replacing positions not related to the state civil service, authorized in the field of forest relations by the body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, necessary for the performance of state functions and services in the framework of the implementation of the transferred the powers of the Russian Federation in the field of forest relations, in the form of the number of administrative procedures and administrative actions performed by one person, and the time spent by one person to perform one action” and deputy director N.A. Petrunin with the report "On approaches to optimizing the number of executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation exercising delegated powers in the field of forest relations, state forestry institutions and on the classification of state functions, state works and public services carried out in the exercise of the transferred powers of the Russian Federation in the region Forest Relations Transferred to the Subjects of the Russian Federation".
On September 3, 2019, the Interregional Economic Forum "PRO.BUSINESS 2019" was held in Yoshkar-Ola. At the meeting of the round table "Innovations in the woodworking industry" Deputy director N.A. Petrunin made a report "On the tasks of improving the system of state forest management at the present stage."
On May 14, 2019, an all-Russian meeting was held in St. Petersburg with employees of the economic and financial services of the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation exercising delegated powers in the field of forest relations, where the deputy director N.A. Petrunin made a report "On approaches to the regulation of costs for the protection, protection and reproduction of forests and the number of employees of executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation exercising delegated powers in the field of forest relations, and forestry."
March 26, 2019, in Tambov on the basis of the Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin passed the Ӏ stage of the National Forestry Forum. The section “Forest legislation in action” was attended by Deputy director N.A. Petrunin with the report "Forest economy - the basis of the state forest management system".