October 11-12
XXIV St. Petersburg International Forestry Forum

Once again, the international St. Petersburg Forestry Forum brought together entrepreneurs, experts, politicians and professionals in the forest industry, including representatives of the TOP 100 companies in Russia and foreign countries.

More than 50 experts took part in the events of the business program. Among the speakers were representatives of SPbFRI.

Among the officials, the Director of the St. Petersburg Forestry Research Institute P.A. Rychenkov.

During the plenary session “The state of the domestic timber industry complex and the necessary measures for its development”, Deputy Director of St. Petersburg Forestry Research Institute A.A. Stepchenko, who outlined the trend of transition of the organization of forestry to an intensive development model.

In an open conversation on the topic: "State regulation of timber turnover in 2022 - 2025." Deputy Director N.A. Petrunin with the report "Analysis of the resource and investment potential of the Russian forest complex in the context of economic sanctions."

Among the experts of the session "Climate Agenda for Forest Users" was Deputy Director for science A.V. Konstantinov, who presented “Approaches to the validation of climate projects in the field of forest relations”.

On the second day of the forum, the conference "Forestry" was held, moderated by the Deputy Director of SPbFRI A.A. Stepchenko.

Most of the experts invited to the conference were scientists from the St. Petersburg Forestry Research Institute, who presented the most pressing issues of the development of the timber industry for discussion.

Deputy director N.A. Petrunin was devoted to the analysis of the resource and investment potential of the Russian forest complex in the context of economic sanctions. The deputy spoke about the transformation of goals, objectives, and approaches in forest planning, A.G. Tretyakov.

Of great interest was the speech of the head of the Research and Development Department of Forest Management and Forest Inventory, B.D. Romanyuk, who analyzed the results of the introduction of the model of intensive use and reproduction of forests in Russia and the factors constraining it. And this is no coincidence because SPbFRI has more than 20 years of experience in developing standards, technologies, economic approaches for implementing the model of intensive use, and reproduction of forests in Russia.

Another of the main activities of SPbFRI was devoted to the speech of the conference moderator, Deputy Director of the Research Institute A.A. Stepchenko - "Design and operation of greenhouse complexes in the conditions of sanctions".

In total, eight representatives of the St. Petersburg Forestry Research Institute took part in the work of the XXIV St. Petersburg Forestry Forum as experts and listeners.

September 21-22
The first international forum "Forests of Russia"

More than 600 participants from 70 regions of Russia gathered in the international forum "Forests of Russia" held in Krasnoyarsk. It was dedicated to the implementation of the federal project "Preservation of forests" of the national project "Ecology".

The St. Petersburg Forestry Research Institute was represented at the forum by the director of the institute, P.A. Rychenkov, A.G. Tretyakov, A.A. Stepchenko, and deputy scientific director A.V. Konstantinov.

The forum has become a platform for dialog and solving many important issues in the forest industry, including in forest impact on climate. This topic was the topic of the round table discussion “The contribution of forests to the modern climate agenda. Forest climate projects. Norms, conditions, prospects for implementation and results of climate projects”. Deputy director of SPbFRI for science A.V. Konstantinov made a presentation "Approaches to the validation of climate projects in the field of forest relations".

Representatives of SPbFRI also took part in other events of the Forests of Russia forum, visited the specialized exhibition of forestry equipment Expodrev - 2022.

September 20-22
VII international meeting "Conservation of forest genetic resources"

Head of the research laboratory of SPbFRI G.V. Kalko, at the invitation of the Organizing Committee, spoke at the VII International Meeting "Conservation of Forest Genetic Resources" with a remote report "Does heavy metal pollution affect the genetic diversity of Norway spruce?"

The meeting is the seventh in a series of international scientific meetings previously held under the auspices of IUFRO. This year it was held on the basis of the All-Russian Research Institute of Forestry and Forestry Mechanization (Pushkino, Moscow Region) in a full-time and part-time format.

The participants of the meeting presented the results of research from more than 30 scientific, educational and industrial institutions from Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus. A total of 55 reports were considered.

Leading research workers of SPbFRI A.S. Bondarenko and D.A. Shabunin also took part in the meeting as listeners.

July 7-8
International Conference on Adaptation to Climate Change in the Arctic

Representatives of the St. Petersburg Forestry Research Institute took part in an international conference on adaptation to climate change in the Arctic.

Fulfilling its obligations within the framework of the Arctic Council, the Russian Federation held a conference in St. Petersburg dedicated to the issues of adaptation to a changing climate, the search for effective measures and best practices for various sectors of the economy and the strengthening of international cooperation in this direction.

Specialists from Russia, countries near and far abroad, as well as representatives of scientific and non-governmental organizations were invited to the conference. From the St. Petersburg Forestry Research Institute, junior researchers took part in the forum: I.S. Nedbaev, E.I. Semyonov and A.O. Magpie.

As part of the session “Adaptation of key sectors of the economy to climate change” I.S. Nedbaev made a presentation "Adaptation of forestry to climate change: the Arctic zone", which described the main risks for forestry caused by climate change, provided examples of activities aimed at adapting forests to climate change, adaptation measures in four Arctic regions of our country: Murmansk region, Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and Chukotka Autonomous Okrug.

March 22-24
XXI International Forum "Ecology of the Big City"

Representatives of the St. Petersburg Research Institute of Forestry took part in the conference "Issues of preparing plans for adapting the subjects of the Russian Federation to climate change, including plans for the decarbonization of sectors of the economy", which was held as part of the largest congress and exhibition event in the North-West in the field of environmental protection and rational nature management - XXI International Forum "Ecology of the Big City".

Junior Researcher at the Research and Development Department for Monitoring Forest Ecosystems I.S. Nedbaev made a presentation "Scientific and methodological support for the implementation by the constituent entities of the Russian Federation of measures to adapt forestry to climate change"

March 17
Meeting of the Working Group on the Forest Sector of the Council of the Barents Euro-Arctic Region (BEAC)

Representatives of SPbFRI, as part of the delegation of The Federal Forestry Agency, took part in the first meeting of the Working Group on the Forestry Sector of the Council of the Barents Euro-Arctic Region (BEAC) chaired by Finland, which was held in the format of a video conference.

The scientists of the institute prepared their proposals for the report on the topic “Forestry management taking into account climate change. Experience and Approaches of Russia”, which reflected, in particular, the climate component of the forest policy of the Russian Federation and the practical experience of adapting forestry activities to climate change.

The agenda of the international cooperation event included issues on the exchange of experience between the BEAC countries on forest management in the context of climate change, as well as initiatives to develop scientific cooperation between specialized research centers of the BEAC member countries

March 10
I International Scientific and Practical Conference "Fundamental and Applied Problems of Geology and Geophysics in the System of Modern Natural Science Knowledge"

Junior Researcher at the Research and Development Department for Monitoring Forest Ecosystems I.S. Nedbaev made a presentation "Geoecological assessment of the impact of phosphate fertilizer production on taiga soils" at the I Annual International Scientific and Practical Conference "Fundamental and Applied Problems of Geology and Geophysics in the System of Modern Natural Science Knowledge" (GEoS 2022), which was held on the basis of the Russian State Geological Prospecting University Sergo Ordzhonikidze (Moscow) in a remote format.

The purpose of the conference is to generalize theoretical and empirical experience in the field of studying fundamental and applied problems of geology and geophysics in the system of modern natural science knowledge, to create conditions for the development of cooperation between Russian and foreign scientists, representatives of leading scientific schools, scientific and technical community, exchange of opinions and results research activities.

The conference is organized by the Association for the Support of Scientific Research (Barnaul, Russia), Russian State Geological Prospecting University named after Sergo Ordzhonikidze (Moscow, Russia) and the University of Geological Sciences (Tashkent, Uzbekistan).

March 2
International Meeting of the UNECE/FAO Team of Specialists on Boreal Forests

Representatives of SPbFRI took part in the International Meeting of the UNECE/FAO Team of Specialists on Boreal Forests, which was held in the format of a video conference.

The discussion touched upon the formation of the international agenda on the importance of conserving, studying, and managing boreal forests, especially in changing climatic conditions. As one of the future forms of work, experts have chosen webinars, which will discuss the most pressing issues in the boreal forest sector.

Information reports prepared by Russian scientists on the definition of boreal forests and their relationship with climate change were highly appreciated by foreign experts. A review of the IBFRA insight project was also carried out.

February 3
The Second Meeting of the UNECE/FAO Team of Specialists on Boreal Forests

SPbFRI was represented at the meeting by junior researchers of the Research and Development Department for Monitoring Forest Ecosystems Kushnir E.A. and Nedbaev I.S.

March 15
Round table on boreal forests within the framework of the UNECE Regional Forum on Sustainable Development

Kushnir E.A., junior research fellows of the Research and Development Department for Monitoring Forest Ecosystems, took part and Nedbaev I.S.

March 22
Video conference dedicated to the International Day of Forests

Deputy director for science A.V. Konstantinov took part.

March 22-24
42nd session of the Working Group of the Economic Commission for Europe and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations on forest statistics, economics and management

Kushnir E.A., junior researcher of the Research and Development Department for Monitoring Forest Ecosystems, took part in the preparation of the draft integrated work program of the UNECE/FAO Joint Section on Forestry as part of the Russian delegation and Nedbaev I.S.

March 30
Seminar "Climate change and Russian forests: consequences, vulnerability and adaptation needs

Kushnir E.A., junior research fellows of the Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Research Institute, participated and Nedbaev I.S.

April 7
Russian-Swedish joint online seminar "Creating a high-quality offset trading system based on forestry"

Kushnir E.A., junior research fellows of the Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Research Institute, participated and Nedbaev I.S.

April 13-15
Sixth Session of the Intergovernmental Technical Working Group on Forest Genetic Resources of the FAO Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (Rome, Italy)

The head of the laboratory, Kalko G.V. took part in the work of the delegation on the development of the position of the Russian Federation on the materials prepared by the FAO.

April 22-23
Regional Online Workshop for National Focal Points in Central Asia and neighboring countries - training on how to use the Country Report Guidelines for the Second State of the World's Forest Genetic Resources to finalize national reports

The head of the laboratory, Kalko G.V. took part in the information seminar as a listener.

May 21
meeting of experts of the Working Group on the Forestry Sector of the Council of the Barents Euro-Arctic Region (BEAC)

Participants - junior researchers of the Research and Development Department for Monitoring Forest Ecosystems Kushnir E.A. and Nedbaev I.S.

May 26-28
VI Scientific and technical conference "Forests of Russia: politics, industry, science, education" (on the basis of the St. Petersburg State Forest Engineering University named after S.M. Kirov)

Head of the Research and Development Department for Selection, Reproduction and Chemical Care of the Forest Egorov A.B. made a presentation "The use of herbicides in the fight against the invasive species Heracleum sosnowskyi Mandem (Sosnowsky's hogweed) in forestry."

May 31 - June 17
Session of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA), session of the Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.

The session was attended by A.V. Konstantinov, Deputy Director for science.

June 14-18
6th international scientific conference "Genetics, genomics, bioinformatics and plant biotechnology", PlantGen2021 (Novosibirsk)

At the conference, a specialist of the research laboratory Karzhaev D.S. made a report.

June 16
Meeting of the Working Group on sustainable forestry, operating within the framework of the Russian-Finnish Intergovernmental Commission for Economic Cooperation

Nedbaev I.S., junior researcher of the Forest Ecosystem Monitoring, took part in the preparation of the report and presentation.

June 23
Third meeting of the UNECE/FAO Team of Specialists on Boreal Forests

Nedbaev I.S., junior researchers of the Research and Development Department for Monitoring Forest Ecosystems, participated in the discussion from SPbFRI and Kushnir E.A.

August 16-20
19th Conference of the International Association of Boreal Forest Researchers (IBFRA) "Changes in the boreal biome: assessing the vulnerability and resilience of boreal forests in the face of climate change and socio-economic consequences"

Within the framework of the conference, a special online meeting of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), dedicated to the problems of forest fires in the boreal zone, was held. The Russian delegation from SPbFRI included A.V. Konstantinov, Deputy Director for science.

September 23
International Seminar "Towards the 26th Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC: the role of Russian forests and the bioeconomy"

Seminar was attended by Deputy Director for science Konstantinov A.V.

September 28-29
23rd St. Petersburg International Forestry Forum (St. Petersburg)

Director of SPbFRI P.A. Rychenkov addressed the forum participants with a welcoming speech at the opening ceremony. As part of the business program, Deputy Directors Stepchenko A.A., Konstantinov A.V., Tretyakov A.G. made presentations. As experts of the conference "Forestry" took part: the leading researcher of the research laboratory Potokina E.K., the head of the research institute for selection, reproduction and chemical care of the forest Egorov A.B., the head of the research institute for forest management and forest management Romanyuk B.D.October 13 – Fourth Meeting of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Team of Specialists on Boreal Forests. Nedbaev I.S., junior research fellows of the Research and Development Department for Monitoring Forest Ecosystems, took part in it from the Institute and Kushnir E.A. with a report on the impact of climate change on the forest resources of the Russian Federation, and the leading specialist of STI Department Karamyshev V.A.

October 20-21
Forest Forum of the Barents Euro-Arctic Council (BEAC) chaired by the Kingdom of Norway

Kushnir E.A., junior researcher at the Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Research Institute, took part in the preparation of the report “Impact of climate change on forest resources and issues of adaptation to climate change” and leading specialist Karamyshev V.A.

October 31 - November 12
26th session of the Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change; 16th session of the Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC serving as the Meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol to the UNFCCC; 3rd Session of the Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC serving as the Meeting of the Parties to the Paris Agreement; 52-55 session of the Subsidiary Body for the Implementation of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change; 52-55th session of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice on the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (Glasgow, UK)

The Russian delegation included A.V. Konstantinov, Deputy Director for science and Junior Researcher of the Research and Development Department for Monitoring Forest Ecosystems Nedbaev I.S. Employees of SPbFRI took part in the consideration and discussion of issues provided for by sub-item "a" "land use, land-use change and forestry in accordance with paragraphs 3-4 of Article 3 of the Kyoto Protocol and within the framework of the clean development mechanism" and sub-paragraph "b" "consequences of including reforestation on afforestation and reforestation project activities under the clean development mechanism” of SBSTA agenda item 13 “Methodological issues under the Kyoto Protocol”; conclusions of the SBSTA and the SBI, decisions of the Conference of the Parties and the Conference of the Parties to the Paris Agreement regarding the development and transfer of technologies that do not contradict the interests of the Russian Federation.

With the participation of SPbFRI employees in the discussion of issues regarding the rules, modalities and procedures for the mechanism established in accordance with paragraph 4 of Article 6 of the Paris Agreement, the restriction of the types of project activities is excluded, and the duration of the credit (credit) period for the LULUCF sector is set at 15 years, with the possibility of a twofold extension.

With the participation of SPbFRI employees in the discussion of the issue of the general terms of nationally determined contributions, it was decided that the Parties should submit a nationally determined contribution in 2025 with a deadline of 2035, in 2030 - a nationally determined contribution with a deadline of 2040 year, and then every five years.

Nedbaev I.S. spoke at the side event as part of the business program of the pavilion "Day of Forest and Science" with the report "Boreal forests and climate change".

November 22-25
Joint session of the European Commission on Forestry of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO EFO) and the Committee on Forests and the Forestry Sector of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE CIF), as well as the sixth European Forest Week

Kushnir E.A., junior research fellows of the Research and Development Department for Monitoring Forest Ecosystems, took part in the events as part of the Russian delegation and Nedbaev I.S., leading specialist of STI Department Karamyshev V.A.

December 8-10
XXVI International Forestry Forum and International Exhibition of Machinery and Equipment for the Forest Complex "Russian Forest" (Vologda)

From SPbFRI, the business program of the forum was attended by deputy directors Stepchenko A.A., Konstantinov A.V., Tretyakov A.G., Petrunin N.A., a group of specialists, and analysts of the institute.

October 2-12
The 25th session of the Committee on Forestry of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO COFO) (Rome, Italy)

The session was attended by Deputy Director for science, Acting Director Konstantinov A.V.

October 21
The first meeting of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (ECE)/Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Team of Specialists on boreal forests

The meeting was attended (via video link) by junior researchers of the Research and Development Department for Monitoring Forest Ecosystems Kushnir E.A. and Nedbaev I.S.

November 23 - December 4
A series of UNFCCC events on the topic “Climate Change Dialogs”

Deputy Director for science, Acting Director Konstantinov A.V., Junior Researchers of the Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Research Institute Kushnir E.A. and Nedbaev I.S. took place in it.

March 19-20
St. Petersburg hosted the International Biofuel Congress

It was attended by Deputy Director Stepchenko A.A. and Head of the Research and Development Department of Economic Research Vasiliev O.I.

September 4
The 29th International Agro-Industrial Exhibition-Fair, "Agrorus" was held in St. Petersburg on the basis of the Expoforum Convention and Exhibition Center

Egorov A.B., head of the Research and Development Center for Breeding, Reproduction and Chemical Care of the Forest, spoke at the round table “Phytoinvasions: methods of control and environmental consequences” with a report on the topic "Selective herbicides in the fight against Sosnowsky's hogweed".On September 29-30, St. Petersburg hosted the 22nd St. Petersburg International Forestry Forum. Leading researcher E.K. Potokina spoke at the event with reports "Possibilities of methods of genomic selection and gene editing for the improvement of forest species" and "Genomic technologies in forestry: opportunities and prospects". In the conference "Forestry", the moderator was the head of the Research and Development Department of Forest Management and Forest Inventory Romanyuk B.D.On October 27-30, Moscow hosted the 4th All-Russian Scientific Conference with international participation dedicated to the celebration of the 75th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War "Scientific Foundations of Sustainable Forest Management". The conference was attended by Deputy Director for science, Acting Director Konstantinov A.V., Scientific Secretary Koroleva T.S., junior researcher of the Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Research Institute Kushnir E.A., Head of the Planning Department Torzhkov I.O., junior researcher, Research and Development Department of Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Nedbaev I.S.On November 17-18, Moscow hosted a UNECE/FAO seminar on forecasts for the development of the forestry sector. The seminar was attended (via video link) by junior research workers of the Research and Development Department for Monitoring Forest Ecosystems Kushnir E.A. and Nedbaev I.S.

November 24-27
All-Russian Conference with international participation "Dendrobite invertebrates and fungi and their role in forest ecosystems" (XI Readings in memory of O.A. Kataev)

Shabunin D.A., Leading Researcher of the Research Institute of Breeding, Reproduction and Chemical Care of the Forest, spoke at the event with a report on the topic “Ash drying up in the suburbs of St. Petersburg: who is to blame - Hymenoscyphus fraxineus or Diplodia spp.?”.

December 16-18
The XXV International Forestry Forum and the Russian Forest exhibition

Deputy Director Stepchenko A.A. took part in the forum.
