The meeting of the Russian-Swedish expert working group in the field of forestry took place at the FBE "SPbFRI"

The meeting of the Russian-Swedish expert working group in the field of forestry took place at FBE "SPbFRI" on September 10, 2014. The meeting was devoted to preparation an actions plan of the priority directions of the Russian-Swedish cooperation. 

The following people from the Russian group took part in the meeting: the head of the FBE "SPbFRI" I.A. Vasilyev, the deputy head of the Forestry Department of the Northwest federal district S. N. Shtrakhov, the head of the Financial Department, the payments budgetary policy and administration of Rosleskhoz A. V. Akimov, representatives of Roslesinforg, experts of the FBE "SPbFRI". The deputy head of the Federal Forestry Agency Alexander Panfilov headed the Russian group.

The Swedish delegation consisting of representatives of the Swedish Forest Agency (SFA) and the Swedish agricultural sciences university was headed by Mr. Johan Eriksson, the deputy head of the SFA.  

Participants of the meeting discussed the cooperation priority directions in the field of forestry at the present stage, exchanged opinions on the most important tasks and also planned prospects.  

In the speeches the Russian and Swedish partners showed interest in development of bilateral projects and programs, in arranging joint scientific conferences. The main attention in discussion was paid to such directions as bioenergetics, forestry and water, adaptive forest management, staff training, etc.   

According to the results of the discussion specific offers were worked out. They will become a basis of the actions plan on the Russian-Swedish cooperation in the field of forestry.
