SPbFRI has more than 20 years of experience in the development of standards, technologies, economic approaches for the implementation of the model of intensive use, and reproduction of forests in Russia.
In particular, in 2015–2020, in cooperation with such major Russian logging companies as ILIM Group, Svetogorsk Pulp and Paper Mill, Baikal Forest Company, Ustyansk Forest Company, Segezha group, etc., standards were developed for an intensive model for six forest regions of Russia.
- The new standards are aimed at obtaining the greatest increase in stands through intensive sampling and the formation of the remaining parts with the best growth potential in terms of cubic capacity and quality of trunks.
- Control during felling is focused on the remaining part of the stand.
- The standards are designed so that the remaining part contains the required number of trunks and absolute completeness, which will ensure the fastest growth of the plantation after felling and the formation of high-quality stands.
- Determination of the expediency of thinning from the silvicultural and economic points of view.
- Determination of the intensity of sampling with high accuracy for the planned logging reception and the selected stock, depending on the taxation characteristics of the stand.
- Establishing the timing of each thinning (from the first thinning to the final felling), the number of methods and possible sample sizes for a particular section.
The new standards make it possible to increase the yield of wood per hectare during intensive thinning and improve the quality of cut-to-length products, and thus ensure maximum profitability of forest use.
- On the analysis of development alternatives according to forestry and economic requirements for each division for the forestry cycle;
- On the analysis of the costs of carrying out activities and the cost of the resulting wood for each alternative;
- On the effect of commercial thinning on changes in the quality of trunks and the main taxation characteristics;
- On the choice of specific alternatives for each division based on the optimization of the plan of the entire economy.
The use of models for predicting the dynamics of forest fund lands ensures the maximum profitability of forest use.
- Specialists of SPbFRI conduct field training seminars on the application of standards for the model of intensive use and reproduction of forests with the laying of demonstration plots for specialists from state forest management bodies, timber industry companies, and scientists.
- The Institute provides services for maintaining and updating the software of the Regional Geographic Information System (RGIS) complex, provides user support for the smooth and efficient operation of the complex, as well as the introduction of its new software components.
Practical recommendations for the transition to the standards for intensive use and reproduction of forests during thinning and passing cuttings / SPbFRI; under total ed. A.A. Stepchenko; dev.: B.D. Romanyuk, S.V. Shinkevich, G.V. Zakharov. - St. Petersburg. : SPbFRI, 2020. - 12 p.
On December 1, 2021, a field seminar on reforestation in Russia was held on the basis of the Chadromsky district of forestry of the Arkhangelsk region as part of a working trip of the Minister of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation to Pomorie. The scientific system of standards for the intensive model of forest management was represented at the seminar by scientists from the St. Petersburg Forestry Research Institute - Deputy Director A.A. Stepchenko and the head of the Research and Development Department of Forest Management and Forest Inventory B.D. Romanyuk.
On November 26–28, 2021, in the village of Oktyabrsky, Ustyansky District, Arkhangelsk Region, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Timber Industry of the Arkhangelsk Region organized a field meeting on forest intensification, within the framework of which issues on the system of standards for the intensive use and reproduction of forests for the North-taiga forest region were considered. The meeting was attended by the head of the Research and Development Department of Forest Management and Forest Inventory, B.D. Romanyuk.
On November 24, 2021, in Arkhangelsk, the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Timber Industry of the Arkhangelsk Region organized a meeting on forest intensification, within the framework of which issues on the system of standards for the intensive use and reproduction of forests for the North-taiga forest region were considered. The meeting was attended by the head of the Research and Development Department of Forest Management and Forest Inventory, B.D. Romanyuk.
On September 28–29, 2021 in St. Petersburg, participation in the 23rd St. Petersburg International Forestry Forum in the Forestry Conference was taken. Head of the Research and Development Department of Forest Management and Forest Inventory B.D. Romanyuk made a presentation "Restraining factors for the development of an intensive model."
On May 24, 2021, the webinar of the Boreal Forestry Platform "Forestry Intensification: Next Steps" organized by WWF Russia was held via videoconference. The webinar was attended by the head of the Research and Development Department of Forest Management and Forest Inventory B.D. Romanyuk with reports "A brief overview of the status of the implementation of forestry intensification in the regions of the North-West and Siberia" and "Problems on the way to intensification."
On April 27–28, 2021, in Segezha of the Republic of Karelia, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Republic of Karelia held a training seminar on the application of new standards for thinning forest care for forestry specialists in Karelia. The training seminar was conducted by the head of the Research and Development Department of Forest Management and Forest Inventory, B.D. Romanyuk.
On September 8, 2021, in Arkhangelsk, the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Timber Industry of the Arkhangelsk Region, chaired by the Deputy Head of the Federal Forestry Agency A.V. Panfilov, a meeting on forest intensification was held, within the framework of which questions were considered on the system of standards for the intensive use and reproduction of forests for the North-taiga forest region. Deputy Director for Finance A.Yu. Vorobyov. The meeting was also attended by senior researcher of the Research and Development Department of Forest Management and Forest Inventory, S.V. Shinkevich.
On April 20, 2021, a meeting was held via videoconference organized by the Ural Union of Timber Manufacturers on the development of methodological recommendations for reconstruction, renewal and reformation cuttings. The meeting was attended by the head of the Research and Development Department of Forest Management and Forest Inventory B.D. Romanyuk and senior researcher of the Research Institute of Forest Management and Forest Inventory S.V. Shinkevich.
September 30, 2020, in St. Petersburg, took part in the 22nd St. Petersburg International Forestry Forum in the Conference "Forestry". Head of the Research and Development Department of Forest Management and Forest Inventory B.D. Romanyuk acted as a moderator of the conference "Forestry".
On September 10, 2020, a meeting was held in Arkhangelsk on the basis of the ULK Group of Companies as part of the implementation of contract No. 01-2020-ULK to assess reserves in the Leshukonskoye forestry. The meeting was attended by the head of the Research and Development Department of Forest Management and Forest Inventory, B.D. Romanyuk.
On May 21, 2020, a conference call was held in Petrozavodsk on the basis of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Republic of Karelia on the implementation of paragraph 6 of the Roadmap (development of methodological materials on the use and control of the application of new standards for employees of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Republic of Karelia and timber companies) (via videoconferencing). The meeting was attended by the head of the Research and Development Department of Forest Management and Forest Inventory B.D. Romanyuk, senior researchers of the Research and Development Department of Forest Management and Forest Inventory S.V. Shinkevich and G.V. Zakharov.
On March 19, 2020, a meeting of the forest use and reproduction section of the Scientific and Technical Council of the Federal Forestry Agency (via videoconferencing) was held in Moscow based on the Federal Forestry Agency. The meeting was attended by the head of the Research and Development Department of Forest Management and Forest Inventory B.D. Romanyuk.
On March 17, 2020, a meeting of the Forest Inventory and Forest Planning Section of the Federal Forestry Agency was held in Moscow based on the Federal Forestry Agency (via videoconferencing). The meeting was attended by the head of the Research and Development Department of Forest Management and Forest Inventory B.D. Romanyuk with feedback on the GIL concept, Senior Researcher of the Research and Development Department of Forest Management and Forest Inventory S.V. Shinkevich.
On February 27, 2020, a meeting was held in Ulan-Ude on the basis of the Baikal Forest Company to discuss the application of the standards for an intensive forest management model based on forest inventory data (via videoconferencing). The meeting was attended by the head of the Research and Development Department of Forest Management and Forest Inventory B.D. Romanyuk, senior researchers of the Research and Development Department of Forest Management and Forest Inventory S.V. Shinkevich and G.V. Zakharov.
On December 12, 2019, in Petrozavodsk, on the basis of Segezha Pulp and Paper Mill JSC, a workshop was held to prepare demonstration plots for the application of new standards in the Republic of Karelia, which was attended by the head of the Research and Development Department of Forest Management and Forest Inventory B.D. Romanyuk.
November 18–22, 2019 in Koryazhma, Arkhangelsk region. On the basis of the forest branch of OAO Ilim Group, a working meeting was held on the application of new harvesting technologies for thinning. The meeting was attended by the head of the Research and Development Department of Forest Management and Forest Inventory, B.D. Romanyuk.
On September 24–26, 2019, the XXI St. Petersburg International Forest Industry Forum was held in St. Petersburg. Within the framework of the Forestry Forum, a conference "Forestry" was held, at which B.D. Romanyuk made a presentation on the topic "Implementation of the model of intensive use and reproduction of forests. Experience of 2019".
On September 24, 2019, at the Demonstration Plots in the Leningrad Region, Tikhvinsky District, a field workshop "Work on the Forest Development Project, drawn up according to the intensive forest management model" was held as part of the 21st St. forest management B.D. Romanyuk
On June 17–28, 2019, in the territories of the Karelian taiga and Karelian north-taiga forest regions of Segezhsky Pulp and Paper Mill JSC, Solomensky Lesozavod PJSC, workshops were held to prepare for training seminars, in which B.D. Romanyuk.
On June 3–7, 2019, in Tomsk, based on the Department of Forestry of the Tomsk Region, a workshop was held to assess the productivity of forests in the Tomsk Region for the transition to an intensive model. The meeting was attended by the head of the Research and Development Department of Forest Management and Forest Inventory B.D. Romanyuk with a report: "The effectiveness of the implementation (implementation) of the model of intensive use and reproduction of forests."
On May 29, 2019, in Moscow, based on the Federal Forestry Agency, a meeting of the working group was held to prepare proposals for the procedure for calculating allowable cuts, approved by order of the Federal Forestry Service dated February 28, 2019 No. 108. Romanyuk.
On May 25, 2019, in St. Petersburg, in the format of a videoconference, the meeting of the working group "Intensification of forestry" was attended by the head of the Research and Development Department of Forest Management and Forest Inventory B.D. Romanyuk, senior researcher of the Research and Development Department of Forest Management and Forest Inventory S.V. Shinkevich with a speech on the development of standards for the Karelian taiga and Karelian north-taiga forest regions.
On May 22–24, 2019, in Petrozavodsk, under the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Republic of Karelia, a working meeting was held on the implementation of the roadmap for the preparation of standards for the Republic of Karelia, which was attended by the head of the Research and Development Department of Forest Management and Forest Inventory B.D. Romanyuk, senior researcher of the Research and Development Department of Forest Management and Forest Inventory S.V. Shinkevich.
On April 15, 2019, a meeting was held in Petrozavodsk with the support of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Republic of Karelia to consider draft new forestry standards for the Karelian taiga and Karelian north-taiga forest regions. The meeting was attended by Deputy Director for Finance A.Yu. Vorobyov, head of the Research and Development Department of Forest Management and Forest Inventory, B.D. Romanyuk.
On April 10, 2019, a meeting was held in Ust-Ilimsk on the application of new technologies for thinning in the leased area of the Ust-Ilim Pulp and Paper Mill, which was attended by the head of the Research and Development Department of Forest Management and Forest Inventory B.D. Romanyuk, senior researcher of the Research and Development Department of Forest Management and Forest Inventory S.V. Shinkevich.
On April 9, 2019, a technical meeting was held in Bratsk on the basis of OJSC Ilim Group based on the results of calculations of forest supply scenarios for the Bratsk Pulp and Paper Mill during the transition to an intensive model of forest use and reproduction. The meeting was attended by the head of the Research and Development Department of Forest Management and Forest Inventory B.D. Romanyuk, senior researcher of the Research and Development Department of Forest Management and Forest Inventory S.V. Shinkevich. B.D. Romanyuk made a presentation "Evaluation of the effectiveness of the transition to the model of intensive use and reproduction of forests of the forest branch of OAO Ilim Group, Bratsk."
On March 27, 2019, a meeting was held in Petrozavodsk at the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Republic of Karelia to discuss draft standards for the Karelian taiga and Karelian north-taiga forest regions, which was attended by the head of the Research and Development Department of Forest Management and Forest Inventory B.D. Romanyuk, Senior Researcher of the Research and Development Department of Forest Management and Forest Inventory G.V. Zakharov. Head of the Research and Development Department of Forest Management and Forest Inventory B.D. Romanyuk made a presentation "Projects of standards for intensive use and reproduction of forests in the Karelian taiga and Karelian north-taiga forest regions."
Participation in the working group of the Federal Forestry Agency "Forestry Intensification".
Participation in the working group for the implementation of pilot projects on an intensive model of use and reproduction of forests, operating under the Federal Forestry Service.
Participation in the working group for the preparation of proposals for the calculation of allowable cuts.
Participation in the working group on forestry and the development of the timber industry complex of the Government Commission on Nature Management and Environmental Protection.
Participation in the working group on the intensification of the use and reproduction of forests in the Arkhangelsk region.
Participation in the working group to develop proposals on the possibility of switching to an intensive model of forestry in the Leningrad region.
Participation in the forest management section, the state forest inventory and the forest registry of the Scientific and Technical Council of Rosleskhoz.
Participation in a training seminar on the application of new standards using the thinning guidelines for the Republic of Karelia (April 27–28, 2021, Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Republic of Karelia, Segezha) – conducted by B.D. Romanyuk.
Participation in workshops on the preparation of training seminars (06/17–28/2019, on the territory of the Karelian taiga and Karelian north-taiga forest regions of Segezha Pulp and Paper Mill JSC, Solomensky Lesozavod PJSC) - B.D. Romanyuk.