SPbFRI has many years of experience in providing services for the suppression of unwanted herbaceous and tree-shrub vegetation at various forestry facilities and non-agricultural lands, for conducting forest pathological examinations of plantations, as well as establishing and growing targeted forest plantations.
- Assistance in the selection and evaluation of sites intended for afforestation.
- Selection of the most promising species of woody plants, assessment of the need and recommendations for the use of biological products for successful survival and growth of seedlings.
- Development of technologies for compensatory afforestation or reclamation of disturbed lands, compilation of settlement and technological maps.
- Drawing up and support of the project of compensatory reforestation or afforestation.
- Development of regulations for the safe use of modern herbicides in the cultivation of pine and spruce planting material in open ground forest nurseries.
- Development of regulations for the safe use of modern herbicides in the care of forest crops and plantations, in the regulation of the species composition of plantations, to prevent the appearance of overgrowth of hardwoods after felling, etc
- Applications in reforestation and afforestation.
- Suppression of unwanted trees, shrubs and herbaceous vegetation at various non-agricultural facilities.
- Determination of the effectiveness of the use of the chemical method of combating Sosnowsky's hogweed, which involves the use of modern herbicides and their mixtures.
- Establishment of targeted forest plantations to obtain forest products of a certain quality and with the desired properties.
- Accelerated cultivation of certain tree species during intensive agrotechnical activities.
- Rapid production of a large number of plants identical to the valuable original genotype.
- Determination of the forest pathological state of plantings for various purposes (forest, urban, park).
- Objects producing selectively improved and elite seeds for reforestation (forest seed plantations, permanent forest seed plots).
- Objects that ensure the proper functioning of the USSC system (test crops, genetic reserves, plus trees, plus plantations, etc.).
- Based on peat with the use of various, including new types of fertilizers, biological products.
- Based on organic-mineral compositions of various origins with the use of natural ameliorants, biological products.
- With the use of regional resources (timber processing waste, sapropels and others).
Shabunin, D.A. Obtaining mutants of highly productive poplar genotypes using the method of induced mutagenesis under in vitro culture conditions / D.A. Shabunin, O.Yu. Butenko // Proceedings of the St. Petersburg Forestry Research Institute. - 2021. - No. 2. - P. 4–16.
Egorov, A. Application of herbicides in the control of the invasive species Heracleum sosnowskyi Manden. (sosnowsky’s hogweed) in forestry / A. Egorov, A. Postnikov , L. Pavlyuchenkova, A. Partolina, A. Bubnov // Russian Journal of Biological Invasion. - 2021. - Vol. 14(3). - R. 63-64. DOI: 10.35885/1996-1499-2021-14-3-63-64.
Egorov, A. The Applying chemical control to suppress liverwort (Marchantia polymorpha L.) and other mosses when growing containerized seedlings of pine and spruce / A. Egorov, A. Bubnov, A. Postnikov, A. Partolina, L. Pavlyuchenkova // Baltic Forestry. - 2021. - 27(1): 288. - R. 1–7. ISSN 1392-1355 eISSN 2029-9230.
Egorov, A. B. Challenges for Heracleum Sosnovskyi management and means for their solving on lands for different purposes/ A.B. Egorov, L.N. Pavlyuchenkova // Protection and quarantine of plants. - 2021. - No. 3. - P. 12–15.
Egorov, A.B. Cultivation of Spruce Plantations Using Modern Herbicides without Agrotechnical Weeding/ A.B. Egorov, A.M. Postnikov, A.A. Bubnov, L.N. Pavlyuchenkova, A.N. Partolina // Forest Journal. - 2021. - No. 3. - P. 9–23.
Egorov, A.B. Protection of young of Scots pine stands (Pinus sylvestris L.) from damage by elk (Alces alces L.) in the Leningrad region / A.B. Egorov, L.N. Pavlyuchenkova, A.S. Bondarenko // Proceedings of the St. Petersburg Forestry Research Institute. - 2020. - No. 4.
Egorov, A.B. Methods for controlling the spread of Sosnowsky's hogweed (Heracleum sosnowskyi Manden.) on the lands of the forest fund / A.B. Egorov, A.A. Bubnov, A.M. Postnikov, L.N. Pavlyuchenkova, A.N. Partolina // Proceedings of the St. Petersburg Forestry Research Institute, FBU "SPbNIILKh". - No. 3., 2020. - P. 4–20.
Bondarenko, A.S. optimal age of the elite trees’ genetic properties assessmentin test cultures of a Norway Spruce / A.S. Bondarenko, A.V. Zhigunov // Forestry. - 2020. - o. 5. - P. 442–450.
Shabunin, D. A. 2020. Decline of Fraxinus excelsior in parks of Saint Petersburg: Who is to blame – Hymenoscyphus fraxineus or Diplodia spp.? / D.A. Shabunin, A. V. Selikhovkin, E. Yu. Varentsova, D.L. Musolin // Forestry Studies. Metsanduslikud Uurimused. – Vol. 73, pp. 43–51. DOI: 10.2478/fsmu-2020-0013,
Zigunov, A.V. Quality and quantity of poplar plantations on postagrogenic land Northwest region of Russia / A.V. Zigunov, D.A. Danilov, S.V. Navalikhin, Yu Janusz S., O.Yu. Butenko // Scientific-Technical Conference on Forests of Russia: Policy, Industry, Science and Education / IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 2019. - Vol. 316.-Issue 1.-St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg Petersburg State Forest Technial University.– P. 1–6.
Bondarenko, A.S. (2019). The relationship between the Scots pine and Norway spruce plants safety and the genetic diversity level on main quantitative characteristics. Proceedings of the Saint Petersburg Forestry Research Institute. 10.21178/2079-6080.2019.3.38.
Zhigunov, A.V. Estimating the growth of 20- to 26-year-old lodgepole pine plantations in the Leningrad region of Russia / A.V. Zhigunov, O.Yu. Butenko // Folia Forestalia Polonica, Series A. - 2019. - Vol. 61. - No. 1. - P. 58–63.
Egorov, A.B. Methods of suppression of Marchantia polymorpha L. and other mosses when growing seedlings of pine and spruce with a closed root system / A.B. Egorov, A.A. Bubnov, A.M. Postnikov, L.N. Pavlyuchenkova, A.N. Partolina // Proceedings of the St. Petersburg Forestry Research Institute.– 2019.– No. 1– P. 25–39.
Marčiulynienė, D. Fraxinus excelsior seed is not a probable introduction pathway for Hymenoscyphus fraxineus / D. Marčiulynienė, K. Davydenko, J. Stenlid, D. Shabunin, M. Cleary // Forest Pathology. - 2018. - Volume 48, Issue 1; 48:e12392.
Shabunin, D. A. Testing of mutagenic substances in aspen in vitro culture / D. A. Shabunin // Thünen Report. – 2018. – No. 62 - P. 23-28
Zhigunov, A.V. Fast and cheap identifcation of elite aspen clones in the North-West of Russia using ISSR markers / A.V. Zhigunov, D. A. Shabunin, O. Yu. Butenko, M.V. Lebedeva // Folia Forestalia Polonica, Series A - Forestry - 2018. - Vol. 60(4). – P. 207–213.
Shabunin, D.A. Influence of shungite-containing fertilizer on the growth of western thuja seedlings / D.A. Shabunin, T.A. Semakova // Proceedings of the St. Petersburg Forestry Research Institute. - 2018. - No. 2. - P. 30–39.
Priyatkin, N.S. Study of X-ray and gas-discharge characteristics of acorns of English oak (Quercus robur L.) to assess their sowing qualities / N.S. Priyatkin, O.Yu. Butenko, D.A. Shabunin [and others] // Proceedings of the St. Petersburg Forestry Research Institute. - 2018. - No. 2. - P. 4–17.
Zhigunov, A.V. Growth of transgenic plants of aspen and birch / A.V. Zhigunov, D. A. Shabunin, O. Yu. Butenko // Biotechnology: status and prospects: Proceedings of the international forum. - 2018. - S. 772–773.
Arkhipchenko, I.A. Organic fraction of MSW as a basis for obtaining soils / I.A. Arkhipchenko, O.V. Orlova, A.V. Zhigunov, D.A. Shabunin, A.Yu. Bryukhanov // Solid household waste. - 2018. - No. 5. - P. 19–21.
On September 28-29, 2021, participation in the IUFRO Forum "IUFRO WORLD DAY" in the on-line format. Leading researcher A.S. Bondarenko.
On September 28–29, 2021, St. Petersburg hosted the 23rd St. Petersburg International Forest Industry Forum (forestry conference), in which the head of the Research and Development Department for Breeding, Reproduction and Chemical Forest Care A. B. Egorov made a presentation "Modern technologies for chemical care in forestry".
On July 7–9, 2021, a seminar "Production of planting material with a closed root system" was held in St. Petersburg, during which the leading researcher A. A. Bubnov made a presentation “Protection of seedlings with closed root system from marchantia and other mosses”.
On May 26–28, 2021 in St. Petersburg on the basis of the St. Petersburg State Forest Engineering University named after S.M. Kirov hosted the VI Scientific and Technical Conference "Forests of Russia: politics, industry, science, education." The conference was attended by employees of the Research and Development Organization for Breeding, Reproduction and Chemical Care of the Forest: Head of Research and Development Organization A.B. Egorov, senior researcher A.M. Postnikov with a report in absentia "The use of herbicides in the fight against the invasive species Heracleum sosnowskyi Manden. (Sosnovsky's hogweed) in forestry".
On November 24–27, St. Petersburg hosted the All-Russian Conference with international participation “Dendrobite invertebrates and fungi and their role in forest ecosystems” (XI Readings in memory of O.A. Kataev). The leading researcher of the Research Institute of Breeding, Reproduction and Chemical Care of the Forest D.A. Shabunin with a report on the topic “Ash drying up in the suburbs of St. Petersburg: who is to blame - Hymenoscyphus fraxineus or Diplodia spp.?”.
On September 4, 2020, the 29th International Agro-Industrial Exhibition-Fair Agrorus was held in St. Petersburg on the basis of the Expoforum Convention and Exhibition Center. In the round table "Phytoinvasions: methods of control and environmental consequences" the head of the Research and Development Department of selection, reproduction and chemical care of the forest A.B. Egorov with a report on the topic "Selective herbicides in the fight against Sosnovsky's hogweed".
On July 10, 2019, the agro-industrial exhibition-fair "Agrorus" was held in St. Petersburg. A.B. Egorov with the report "Features of the use of herbicides against Sosnovsky's hogweed on lands for various purposes."
On April 10–11, 2019, a Round Table meeting was held in the lecture hall of the General Staff Building of the State Hermitage Museum on the topic “Life in Palace Gardens and Parks, Problems of Preservation of Historical Plantations and the Safety of Visitors”. The meeting was attended by the leading researcher of the Research Institute of Breeding, Reproduction and Chemical Care of the Forest D.A. Shabunin made presentations "The etiology of oak drying out in the Near Dubki park and on the Dudergof Heights" and "Possibilities of propagating tree species using the in vitro method."
Reviewing the report on FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) forest management certification of the Russian Register group of companies (2021, senior researcher O.Yu. Butenko).
Federal Law of July 19, 1997 No. 109-FZ "On the Safe Handling of Pesticides and Agrochemicals".
Federal Law of December 17, 1997 No. 149-FZ "On seed production".
Federal Law of March 30, 1999 N 52-FZ "On the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population."
SanPiN 1.2.2584-10 "Hygienic requirements for the safety of testing, storage, transportation, sale, use, neutralization and disposal of pesticides and agrochemicals."
Work in this direction is relevant for all countries with forest resources. It is known that mechanical methods of combating unwanted vegetation during reforestation are not effective enough and have a number of disadvantages. Today and in the near foreseeable future, the most productive and effective is the chemical method, which involves the use of modern herbicides. This is also evidenced by the world experience of forest management in developed foreign countries - Canada, the USA, Australia and many others.
Establishment and cultivation of targeted forest plantations is a priority in obtaining forest products of a certain quality and with the desired properties. In many countries of the tropical and temperate zones, wood production is largely plantation-oriented (according to FAO, in Chile 95% of all forest products are harvested on plantations, in New Zealand - 93%, in Brazil and Argentina - 60%, in Zambia and Zimbabwe - 50%). For example, in 2006 forest plantations covered only 7% of the total forested area, yet they provided 50% of the world's commercial timber.
Micropropagation allows you to quickly get a large number of plants that are identical to the valuable original genotype. This method is used in advanced countries for the rapid and efficient introduction of breeding achievements on an industrial scale.