The institute staff has many years of recognized experience in climate change impact assessment. Thus, the research work carried out by SPbFRI on climate impact assessment is used in the preparation of the position of the Russian Federation on activities in the forestry sector of the economy on the main agenda items of the international negotiation process in the field of climate change.
- Assessment of the impact on the climate identified as a result of the use of forests and / or economic activities of the Customer.
- Development of practical recommendations to reduce the negative impact on the climate.
Konstantinov, A. V. Climate change and adaptation practices in the forestry sector of the Russian Federation / A. V. Konstantinov, Т. S. Koroleva, Е. А. Kushnir // IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. – 2021. – Vol. 875. – N 012078.
Konstantinov, A. V. Methodological approach to assessing the adaptive potential of forest ecosystems in the Russian Federation / A. V. Konstantinov, S. M. Matveev // Tr. SPbNIILH. - 2020. - No. 2. - P. 14–33.
Konstantinov A.V., Koroleva T.S., Torzhkov I.O., Kushnir E.A. (2020) Institutional methods and forms of monitoring of measures' effectiveness for the adaptation of forest sector to climate changes. Lesotekhnicheskiy zhurnal [Forestry Engineering Journal], Vol. 10, No. 4 (40), pp. 243-256 (in Russian). DOI: 10.34220/issn.2222-7962/2020.4/20.
Konstantinov, A. V. Post-fire successions in protected mountain forests of Crimea / K. Levchenko, S. M. Matveev, A. V. Konstantinov // IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. – 2020.– Vol. 595 – N 012043.
Konstantinov, A. V. Trends in the average annual snow depth in various forest zones of Russia / A. V. Konstantinov, N. N. Kharchenko, E. V. Moiseeva // IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. – 2020.– Vol. 595 – N 012038.
Kushnir, E. A. Forestation potential in recultivation of disturbed lands for reduction of greenhouse gas emission / E.A. Kushnir, S. O. Grigoriyeva, E. I. Treshchevskaya, A. V. Konstantinov– DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/392/1/012034 // IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. – 2019. – Vol. 392. – 012034.
Torzhkov, I. O. Estimation forecast of the Russian Federation forests carbon balance based on the long-term scenarios of forest complex development / I. O. Torzhkov, E. A. Kushnir, A. V. Konstantinov . – DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/392/1/012051 // IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. – 2019. – Vol. 392. – 012051.
On December 8-10, 2021, Vologda hosted the XXVI International Forestry Forum and the international exhibition of machinery and equipment for the forest complex "Russian Forest". Deputy Director for Science A.V. Konstantinov - with the report "Implementation of the principles of climate policy in the forestry of Russia: trends and prospects" (remotely) and Deputy Director A.G. Tretyakov - with the report "Possible types of climate projects in forests."
On November 22–25, 2021, the regular Joint Session of the ECE Committee on Forests and the Forest Industry (COFFI) and the FAO European Forestry Commission (EFC) was held via videoconferencing, as well as the sixth European Week of the woods. The events as part of the Russian delegation were attended by junior research workers of the Research Department for Forest Ecosystems Monitoring E.A. Kushnir and I.S. Nedbaev, lead specialist of STI Department V.A. Karamyshev.
On October 31 - November 12, 2021, the UN Conference on Climate Change - the 26th session of the Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP-26 UNFCCC) was held in Glasgow (UK) for implementation and for advice on technical and scientific aspects. The Russian delegation included Deputy Director for Science A.V. Konstantinov and junior researcher of the Research Department for Forest Ecosystems Monitoring I.S. Nedbaev.
On 20-21 October 2021, the Barents/Euro-Arctic Council Forest Forum (BEAC), chaired by the Kingdom of Norway, was held online. The report "Impact of Climate Change on Forest Resources and Adaptation to Climate Change" was prepared by E.A. Kushnir, junior researcher of the Research Department for Forest Ecosystems Monitoring, and V.A. Karamyshev, lead specialist of STI Department.
On September 28-29, 2021, the 23rd St. Petersburg International Timber Industry Forum was held in St. Petersburg. Representatives of SPbFRI took part in the plenary discussion "Russian Timber Industry: Figures, Estimates, Forecasts". The report "Climate Policy in Forestry of Russia" was made in the discussion by Deputy Director for Science A.V. Konstantinov. Deputy Director for Science A.V. Konstantinov made a report "Introduction of principles of climate policy in forestry of Russia: trends and prospects" at the session "Climate agenda in terms of forest users."
On November 23–December 4, 2020, a series of UNFCCC events on the topic “Climate Change Dialogues” were held, in which Deputy Director for Research A.V. Konstantinov, junior researchers of the Research Department for Forest Ecosystems Monitoring E.A. Kushnir and I.S. Nedbaev.
On November 17–18, 2020, a UNECE/FAO workshop on forecasts for the development of the forestry sector was held in Moscow. The seminar was attended by junior research workers of the Research Department for Forest Ecosystems Monitoring E.A. Kushnir and I.S. Nedbaev.
On October 21, 2020, the first meeting of the UN Economic Commission for Europe (ECE) /Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Team of Specialists on boreal forests took place. The meeting was attended by junior researchers of the Research Department for Forest Ecosystems Monitoring E.A. Kushnir (Sector of Climate Change Problems) and I.S. Nedbaev.
On October 2-12, 2020, the 25th session of the Committee on Forestry of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO COFO) was held in Rome (Italy). The session was attended by Deputy Director for Science A.V. Konstantinov.
On December 3, 2019, the 1st meeting of the Russian-Austrian working group on forestry was held in Moscow based on the Federal Forestry Agency. Junior Researcher of the Climate Change Problems Sector of the Research Department for Forest Ecosystems Monitoring, E.A. Kushnir.
On June 8–19, 2019, Murmansk hosted the Χ International Contact Forum on Habitat Conservation. Junior Researcher at the Research Department for Forest Ecosystems Monitoring I.S. Nedbaev took part in the development of regional guidelines for the conservation of biological diversity in terms of drawing up recommendations for forest management in order to ensure the maximum conservation of endangered species.
On May 21–22, 2019, a scientific seminar of the working group of the International Association of Boreal Forest Researchers (IBFRA) was held in Stockholm (Sweden). International cooperation of the countries of the boreal belt on the implementation of the research work "Sustainable forest management of the boreal zone - challenges and opportunities for climate change mitigation". As part of the Russian delegation, the seminar was attended by the Junior Researcher of the Climate Change Problems Sector of the Research Department for Forest Ecosystems Monitoring, E.A. Kushnir.
Since 2012, SPbFRI employees, as experts of the Federal Forestry Agency, have been actively participating in the sessions of the subsidiary bodies of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and the sessions of the Ad Hoc Working Group on the Paris Agreement, as well as in other international events, both in Russia, and abroad, aimed at considering the impact of climate change on forest ecosystems. Institute scientists are directly involved in shaping the position of the delegation of the Russian Federation in the framework of the international negotiation process in the field of climate change, based on the analysis of the results of the negotiation sessions and an informal dialogue of experts.
In addition, the staff of the Institute take part in the discussion of the operationalization of the mechanisms of the Paris Agreement in terms of mitigation and adaptation, financing and strengthening the capacity of developing countries, monitoring the achievement of the UNFCCC goal of stabilizing greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would not allow dangerous anthropogenic impact to the climate system.
An important task of the forest policy implemented by the Federal Forestry Agency is participation in the initiatives of the international community to address issues related to climate change.
The countries participating in the UNFCCC, including the Russian Federation, report on the progress of activities to implement the national climate policy. In order to form and operate a system for assessing anthropogenic emissions from sources and removals by sinks of greenhouse gases (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 1, 2006, N 278-r), the Federal Forestry Agency submits to The Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring (Rosgidromet) the necessary data of state statistical reporting and other data on processes and types activities in forestry and coordinates draft national reports on the inventory of anthropogenic emissions from sources and removals by sinks of greenhouse gases.
As part of the above activities of the Federal Forestry Agency, SPbFRI employees participate in the preparation of reports on estimates of anthropogenic emissions from sources and removals by sinks of greenhouse gases in accordance with the obligations under the UNFCCC to the competent international organizations.
At the request of the Federal Forestry Agency, the staff of the institute prepares substantiated proposals on the position of the Russian Federation in the negotiations on guidelines for ensuring accountability for the parties' nationally determined contributions, as well as ensuring their clarity, transparency and understanding (in terms of sources and sinks of greenhouse gases associated with forests).
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
Paris Agreement - Outcome Document of the 21st Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
EU Adaptation Strategy
An analysis of the results and trends of research in climate change in the Russian Federation in recent years has shown that Russian science is developing in line with the world's main scientific areas.
Assessing the importance of forests for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):
Over the past decade, the understanding of the importance of sustainable forestry has changed in a positive direction, including awareness of the global threat posed by changing environmental conditions to forests and ecosystems.
Threats and challenges in the forest sector arising from climate change:
Within the framework of the above-mentioned direction, research is being carried out on the disturbance of forest ecosystems under the conditions of climate change. Many researchers note that with global warming, changes occur in forest ecosystems. Changes in climate and growing conditions may make it impossible for vegetation to return to its original state.
Climate change also leads to the implementation of the following negative factors:
Forest fires
Boreal forests have seen an increase in fires in recent decades, and further increases in temperature will only exacerbate this trend.
Insect pests of the forest
The impact of insect pest outbreaks on boreal forests is being investigated. In many works, it was noted that the area of damage to forests due to outbreaks of insects exceeds the area damaged by fire.
In extreme weather conditions with record high summer temperatures, insects can complete their life cycle in a year instead of two, as in normal weather conditions, leading to an increase in the number of insect pest outbreaks.
Anomalous meteorological phenomena
A warming climate in the boreal forest zone is predicted to cause an increase in anomalous weather events, including hurricanes. With a high probability, this will lead to an increase in damage to trees in boreal forests due to windfall and windfall.
Development of climate models to assess the vulnerability of ecosystems and predict threats arising from climate change, including for forestry
Work is underway to model scenarios for the development of the world community as a whole (and the forest sector in particular) depending on the scale of global warming. One of the most important is the forecast of the impact of climate change on boreal forests, as these changes will have global socio-economic consequences.
Development of scenarios for adaptation of forest management systems in connection with climate change
The types of adaptation projects and activities to reduce the vulnerability of forest ecosystems are considered, covering a range of actions at various scales: from national to local. Adaptation strategies and options include a wide variety of different measures that support the resilience of forest ecosystems. It is important that each party implements its own special approach to these developments.
Absorption and conservation of greenhouse gases in forest ecosystems
The international community in the fight against climate change has come to understand the role of forests in carbon storage - it is possible to avoid huge CO2 emissions if deforestation is stopped. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, deforestation and forest degradation are the second leading causes of CO2 emissions contributing to global warming. Research in this area, within the framework of forest use, considers synergies and trade-offs between climate change adaptation goals and other climate change mitigation goals; the need for coordination among various parties, partners and donors; use of software approaches