Young scientists of the "Saint Petersburg Scientific and research institute of forestry" have conducted an extracurricular lesson for schoolchildren

On May 24, 2017, an extra-curricular event "Forest and Climate of the Future" was held as part of the activities of the All-Russian Week of Climate for Schoolchildren of the 4th form of SBEI  "Secondary School No. 531 of the Krasnogvardeisky District of St. Petersburg".

The form and content of the extracurricular lesson were developed in conjunction with the young scientists of the  SPbFRI, scientific work of which is related to the study of the impact of climate change on forest ecosystems.

During the extra-curricular activities, the students were visually demonstrated why and how the climate in Russia is changing, as well as the possible consequences of these changes.

The main goal of the last event was to convey to schoolchildren the idea of the importance of careful attitude to the forest, capable of capturing and preserving carbon dioxide, the high concentration of which causes global climate change.

 SPbFRI  hopes for the continuation of the practice of holding similar events that contribute not only to the development of ecological culture among schoolchildren, but also to the popularization of science in the younger generation. 
